Saturday, July 9, 2011


We left for Quito around four thirty, and what is normally a three to three and a half hour drive took us about four, four and a half hours. We didn't know exactly where we were once we hit the city limits of Quito. We stopped a half dozen times for directions and eventually met up with Celso, who showed us the way.

Once we got to our hostal and checked in, we went out to get some food. Celso told him to meet up at a bar around eleven. By the time we finished dinner andstarted heading to meet Celso, it was eleven. When we arrived, Celso was not there. We waited outside for twenty minutes or so then decided to go in and take a look. He ended up strolling in around midnight, we had a drink, danced a little and then Scott and I headed back to the hostal. On our way, we stopped to get a hotdog doble (two hotdogs in one bun). It was nowhere as good as I remembered it the last time. But anyways, we made it back to the hostal, watched some TV and hit the sack around one thirty. I was up again at three to say goodbye to James, Scott, and Ben who had early flights. As our Bienestar adventure is coming to an end, I realized how much I am going to miss the Illinois crew. Everyone was a blast and we always seemed to find something to be laughing about. We'll definitely need a reunion soon!

Jen, Rachel and I head to the Galapagos tomorrow. We will have a blast!

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