Monday, July 4, 2011

The Last Weekend in Banos - Part 2

This morning I felt a little under the weather, as they say here: Tuve una chuchaqui. I was feeling better after breakfast/lunch, which worked out perfectly since we didn't have to be ready for rafting until one. For rafting we had to drive about thirty minutes from Banos. It started to rain as we got our wetsuits, helmets and lifejackets on, but by the time we were practicing it had stopped. I was in the smaller boat with Jen, Jenny, Ben, and Jill. Our guide's name was Marcelius. He was hysterical! Our team name: The Capybaras! After completing a set of rapids, we would throw our paddle tips in the air, hit them together, yell "Capybaras!" and slap them on the water. Since it had rained more than our guide expected, the rapids were 3+ to 4, and we had to walk around one area of the river that was too rough. Our boat almos flipped three times according to the other guide, but I never felt it. Hahaha. Anyway, we had a great time and afterward they fed us dinner. I can't wait to try whitewater rafting in the Adirondacks. After rafting we were all wet and cold so we came back to the hostal and showered then watched Finding Nemo in Spanish. After, we were a little hungry so we went to Doner Kabob, a fast food joint that sells a killer chicken sandwich for $1.50. After dinner, I came home and fell asleep... It was only 9:40pm. It was another epic day and I was glad my shoulder cooperated. Tomorrow we are having a BBQ for the fourth of July.

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