Sunday, July 17, 2011

Back to Quito

This morning we had to leave for the airport at 7:30am.  From the house we had to take a taxi to the ferry station, take a ferry to Baltra Island and then wait for a bus to the airport.  When we arrived at the airport we checked in and they told us that we didn't need to get in line for security until 9:30am.  So we had an empanada and coffee for breakfast while we waited.  The airport was no more than a glorified barn.  Security consisted of someone rifling through your carry on and a metal detector.  SO SKETCHY! The flight back was great.  We were in an exit row!

When we arrived in Quito, we had to take a taxi to our hostal.  The first guy saw that we looked American and he tried charging us $8.  What a rip off!  So, we found another guy to take us for $6 which was what we had paid the week before.  When we got back to the hostal we repacked our luggage to make sure our bags were under 50 pounds.  After we were all packed, we strolled the streets of Quito.  I bought an Ecuadorian cookbook.  For dinner we had a delicious seafood meal and watched the Brazil vs. Ecuador game.  We lost 2 to 4.  Jen and I wanted to go out afterwards but it wasn't the same with just the two of us, so we settled for a hamburger from the hotdog doble stand and went to bed early.  We have to leave for the airport tomorrow at 7am.  Back to the states!

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