Monday, July 4, 2011

The Last Weekend in Banos - Part 1

Friday night, Jen and I met Ruchi and Jenny out at the Leprauchaun, a bar that has dancing, a fire pit and good music. We stayed out until one. It was a great time!

Saturday morning we met downstairs in our hostal at 9:45am to go canyoning. For those who don't know what canyoning is, it pretty much is when you scale down waterfalls attached to a harness. It was AWESOME! We had to wear wetsuits, canvas shoes, a jacket and a helmet with our harness. We scaled down 4 waterfalls: one was 8 meters, one was twelve and the other two were around 20-30 meters. We got pretty wet, but it was worth it! The last waterfall we got to slide down on our butts. It was cold, but we loved it! I was a little worried about my shoulder, but it seemed to be fine during the activity. It was sore after but I really didn't want to miss out. After canyoning we decided to try Cuy, or roasted guinea pig. It tasted gamey and there were more bones than meat, but we needed to try it while we were here. I have definitely eaten worse things.

For dinner we returned to Quilombo for their famous meat platter. With four courses you could split it two or three ways. DELICIOUS! After dinner we went back to the hostal to get ready for a night of dancing and being out at the bars. We stayed out until two thirty or so dancing and having fun. Our walk home was in the rain, but we didn't notice it too much. Tomorrow we go whitewater rafting!

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