Saturday, July 9, 2011

Our Last Week in Banos

Since Monday was the fourth of July, we had a barbecue potluck at our Spanish school with our instructors: Chely and Liz. We listened to salsa music, lit off some sketchy fireworks and drank Ecuadorian beer.

On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I went to Rio Negro and worked in a rural clinic. The doctor was awesome! She only spoke Spanish, but here ability to explain things and teach us physical exam techniques was fantastic. On Tuesday, Jen and I rented a dune buggy and drove the "Route of Waterfalls." As we were leaving town our buggy died. We pulled into a gas station, called the rental company and they brought us a new one. IT WAS SO SLOW! Wednesday was a really busy day for patients in Rio Negro, nothing really too exciting except for a woman with 3+ tonsils! CRAZY! Thursday was our last day in the clinics so we had a dinner at a local restaurants for all the doctors and some of the nurses we worked with. We also found out that as a group, Bienestar raised $14500 to buy equipment for the hospital. The dinner was a lot of fun and afterwards we went to GringoCoco, a stand that sells 25 cent shots of sugarcane liquor. From there we went out to the bars to dance and have a good time.

Friday morning we rented buggies and motorcycles again. Afterwards we had our last almuerzos or lunch in Banos, did some shopping, and packed up. We left for Quito around four thirty.

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