Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lava Tunnels and the Beach

Today is our last full day in the Galapagos.  We woke up, ate breakfast and headed out to the lava tunnels near Puerto Ayora.  Tunel de Amor is on private property near Bellavista so we had to pay $3.25 to get in. The tunnel itself was lit by lights so we didn't need flashlights.  It was pretty sweet, but not what I was expecting.

After the tunnel we took a taxi back to Puerto Ayora and had our last almuerzo.  After lunch, we went back to the house and took a short nap.  After we woke up we headed to Tortuga Bay.  The sun wasn't out, but it wasn't raining so we stayed at the beach for a couple hours.  After the beach we showered and headed out on the town to do some shopping.  Everything was way more expensive than we were used to.  

The dinner we had was delicious!  I had a coconut fish chowder, a delicious salad with fried calamari, and a hamburger that was WAY TOO SALTY.  After dinner we came back to the house, had a Cuba Libre and then went out to a dance club.  It was a good time.  I'm sad we are leaving tomorrow, but such is life.

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