Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Isla Santa Cruz

Sunday we woke up and went to our tour guide's office to check out our snorkeling equipment for our trip to Floreana Island tomorrow. It was closed. So I called Wendy and we gave her our flipper size so they could bring them on the trip tomorrow. After that, we headed to Tortuga Bay; a white sand beach thought to be one of the most beautiful beaches on the islands. It was about a 40 minute walk from our house. BEAUTIFUL! We had a blast! The water was a bit chilly, but with the sun out we didn't care.

After the beach, we went to the grocery store to buy stuff for dinner. It was closed. So we went out to dinner at a restaurant with delicious food! The only drawback is they wouldn't sell us drinks because it was a Sunday. But my three cheese pasta and shrimp salad was AMAZING! After dinner we got ice cream and walked around the city near the bayfront. Eventually we made it back home and watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. After, we went to bed since we needed to be up and ready by 7:30am. Really looking forward to our day trip tomorrow.

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