Wednesday, June 8, 2011


After being in Banos a couple days we are starting to get a feel for where everything is. We are also making huge strides in our Spanish skills. Five hours of class is a lot, but we are used to it. We have been hiking all over the city (I say hiking because everywhere you turn here you are going up a hill). On Monday we hiked to a statue of the virgin of the holy water; a Saint that was native to Banos. It was BRUTAL! After that we decided to cross town to see the waterfalls named after the same saint. The trail was a bit dicey at parts, and the wind was crazy, but the view was spectacular!

Yesterday we decided to go to check out one of the many public baths located in Banos. We got there and it was not at all what we expected, so we turned around and made our way back to the main square, where we ate one of the best meals we have had in Banos. It was also one of the most "expensive" (a two burrito platter with beans and rice, a huge salad with a homemade garlic dressing, a 600ml beer, and a cappuccino for dessert all for under $10).

Today, after we finished Spanish class, we decided to hit up the town market (it only takes place on Wednesday and Sunday). It was like any normal farmers market, except for the prices, which were about one fifth of what I would normally pay in Buffalo! So for dinner we ate fresh fruit and vegetables. We also picked up some Gouda cheese and some fresh out of the oven bread ! It was a nice change from eating out. After letting our dinner digest a bit we went out for a n ice cream cone. While we were eating our ice cream, we walked around a part of the city we hadn't seen yet. We came across a tagua nut store (the tagua nut is part of the base of a palm tree that grows in Ecuador) where they sell jewelry . The tagua nut is known as "ecuador's ivory." We also went past a sugar cane stand and bought some fresh sugar cane. You chew on it to get the sugar cane nectar out. It was surprisingly good.

Tomorrow we plan to hike as far up the mountain behind Banos as we can in order to get a good view of "Mama Tungurahua" the volcano near us. There is a cafe at the top with 4 pools heated by the local hotsprings. Should be a lot of fun! We are going to bridge jump Friday! Wish us luck!


  1. Can't wait to chew my sugar cane on the walk to class tomorrow and then spit it in the street like a true ecuadorian.

  2. Do you think that after being here for five weeks we will be considered Banenos? Llama sweaters, chewy sugar cane on the street, eating cuy? Haha.
